The Rise of Creative Thinking: A Look Into the Future of Skills

May 22, 2023


As we leap into the future, one skill is lighting the way - Creative Thinking. The World Economic Forum has recognised its growing importance, placing it in the top three skills for 2025. But why is creative thinking so pivotal, and how can we cultivate it?

The Rise of Creative Thinking: A Look Into the Future of Skills - a boy, in Steampunk inspired headgear, looks out to the future within his laboratory where he creates

The Rise of Creative Thinking: A Look Into the Future of Skills

As we leap into the future, one skill is lighting the way – Creative Thinking. The World Economic Forum has recognised its growing importance, placing it in the top three skills for 2025. But why is creative thinking so pivotal, and how can we cultivate it?

Creativity has long been seen as the domain of artists and inventors. Yet, in the rapidly evolving digital era, creative thinking has become the backbone of successful business operations. It’s the key to innovation, problem-solving, and keeping pace with change.

Here are five tips to help you future-proof your skills and spark a creativity revolution:


Expand Your Perspectives:

Embrace diverse thinking. New perspectives offer fresh ideas and foster creative solutions. Make it a practice to engage with people outside of your immediate network or sector.

💡TRY: Initiate a “Perspective Exchange” meeting in your company or network once a month. Invite individuals from different departments, backgrounds, or industries to share their experiences, challenges, and ideas. This diverse pool of perspectives can stir your creative thinking and prompt innovative solutions.


Embrace the Unfamiliar:

Venture outside of your comfort zone. The unfamiliar can often be a rich source of inspiration. Exposing yourself to new experiences and challenges stimulates creative thought. 💡TRY: Dedicate some time each week to learn something new, whether it’s a new language, a different type of cuisine, a dance form, or a programming language. The goal is not to master the new skill, but to step out of your comfort zone and stimulate your mind with new experiences.


Cultivate a Culture of Curiosity:

Maintain a relentless curiosity. Ask questions, seek answers, and explore multiple viewpoints. Encourage this mindset within your teams to foster a culture of innovation.

💡TRY: Host a weekly “Curiosity Hour” in your team where everyone can share something they’ve learned, a problem they’re wrestling with, or a new trend they’ve observed. Foster an environment where asking questions and exploring multiple viewpoints is encouraged and celebrated.


Embrace Failure as a Learning Tool:

Don’t fear failure. Instead, view it as an essential part of the creative process. Each failure brings you one step closer to a successful solution.

💡TRY: Implement a “Fail Forward” ritual in your team. This could be a monthly meeting where team members are encouraged to share their recent failures and the lessons they’ve learned from them. This approach not only helps to remove the stigma around failure but also transforms it into a valuable learning resource.


Prioritise Reflection and Mindfulness:

Make time for reflection. Slow down, be present and mindful. This provides space for creative ideas to emerge and for connections to be made.

💡TRY: Begin or end your day with a 10-minute mindfulness practice. This could be simple breathing exercises, meditation, or a quiet walk outdoors. Use this time to clear your mind, stay in the present, and allow space for creative ideas to surface. Regularly reflect on your experiences and the insights you’ve gained.

As we march towards a future defined by change and complexity, creative thinking stands as the beacon guiding us through. Embrace it, cultivate it, and prepare to harness its transformative power.

If you have any questions on how to empower you and your team to unlock your creative potential, do reach out. As a Creativity Coach’s, we’re here to support and guide you in this transformative journey. 

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